Video: Bill Reichert on Captivating Investors

How To Tell A Story To An Investor from Bill Reichert

You need to be able to capture the imagination of an investor as a startup founder. Bill Reichert, Managing Director at Garage Technology Ventures, explains how to paint that picture so that investors can picture how your company is going to affect a market. Don’t miss the chance to hear from more experts like Bill at the many tech startup events at Founders Floor in San Jose.

Video Transcript

One way is to tell a story or paint a picture. Now I said before don’t tell a story but I said I’d give you permission if you could tell a story in one sentence. So really good entrepreneurs are really good at painting a picture of what it is they do. Creating a picture in the mind of the listener of what their product or service or their offering is or does in a way that’s really easy to understand. So, frequently that sentence begins with ‘Imagine if’, right? So imagine if you had an application that could pull together all of your contacts from your social media, from your email contact lists, from your Salesforce list, from your corporate database into one simple place. So you can access all of your contacts from one application. You know what I’m doing there, right? But an engineer would say, ‘We have developed a technology that can extract heterogeneous data from multiple different databases into one simple file,’ right? You know, that’s what an engineer would say with all due respect to engineers right? So so yes, I mean, same thing, but it’s easier to understand the value proposition within ‘Imagine if’ in the picture right? So play around with that to see if that works.


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