Quick Bytes – 4 Aug: How to Tell the Truth and More

A look at the most interesting startup and business-related news stories of the week.
How to Tell the Truth
The truth about telling the truth is that it does not come easy for anyone. It’s not natural or organic. The natural thing to do is tell people what they want to hear. That’s what makes everybody feel good . . . at least for the moment. Telling the truth, on the other hand, is hard work and requires skill.
The Full Story
Are you an honest person? I’ll bet that you answered “yes.” If you did, who else do you know that’s completely honest? I’ll bet that was much harder to answer. How is it possible that everybody believes that they are honest yet has a difficult time identifying anyone else with the same characteristics? Are we all so dishonest that we are lying to ourselves? Read the Full Article Here
Stripe Reportedly Lands Deal with Amazon
Internet payment company Stripe has quietly begun handling a large portion of Amazon’s transactions, a deal that can help Stripe significantly increase its transaction volume, Bloomberg reports. The number of transactions Stripe is handling is unknown, as the companies aren’t commenting.
The Full Story
Stripe, the company founded by Irish brothers Patrick and John Collison, handles tens of billions of dollars in internet transactions every year. It makes money by charging a small fee on each transaction. Read the Full Article Here
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