Quick Bytes – Nov 24th: Net Neutrality Jeopardizes US Innovation

A look at the most interesting startup and business-related news stories of the week.
Net neutrality jeopardizes US innovation
The FCC’s decision to repeal net neutrality laws have far-reaching ramifications, including the ability to jeopardize online innovation in the US. Research into America’s global position in digital leadership shows that it could be stalling, or certainly that many other countries, big and small, are making big digital leaps into the future. With the likes of Kim DotCom claiming to be building a new internet, ‘MegaNet‘, it is going to be important to continue to track our progress as a nation, come up with alternatives and workable solutions, and continue to innovate as we have been doing here in Silicon Valley.. Source: The Conversation
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American leadership in technology innovation and economic competitiveness is at risk if U.S. policymakers don’t take crucial steps to protect the country’s digital future. Read the Full Article Here
Illegal teen labor allegedly used for iPhone X
Tech companies, their suppliers, labor laws and the accountability that comes with this has been under question for some time. Apple again is coming under scrutiny under claims that its Chinese supplier, Foxconn, had high school students doing 11 hour day ‘work experience’ for 3 months assembling iPhone X’s, in order to graduate from high school. According to an Apple analyst, Apple is set to boost its iPhone X production up to 45%. Source: Silicon Beat
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If you own an iPhone X, there is a chance your prized smartphone was built from forced labor of Chinese high school students. Read the Full Article Here
What will Uber mean for data breach disclosure?
Uber is back in the news again with revelations that a data breach affecting 57 million users was covered up with $100,000 worth of hush money. Data loss is hugely on the rise and roughly 50% of it is believed to be caused through internal loss, either intentional or unintentional, as well as through external attacks. For tech companies, it’s an ever-present risk so we’ll be watching closely as to how this will affect data breach disclosure practices as the Attorney General investigates. Source: Tech Crunch
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The revelation that Uber concealed a major 2016 data breach affecting 57 million users and paid hackers to destroy the evidence is yet another PR nightmare from Uber’s darkest era, but it’s also a major problem when it comes to state laws around data breach disclosure practices. Read the Full Article Here
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