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Startup Matchup & Networking Event | Founders Floor
The Startup Matchup and Networking Event continues to be one of the most popular startup networking events in the Bay Area for startups, founders, entrepreneurs and others in the startup ecosystem.
Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, our structured networking format efficiently connects you with others in the startup ecosystem.
Who should attend?
- Founders looking for co-founders.
- Investors looking for quality early-stage startups.
- Developers and engineers looking to work with interesting startups.
- Marketers, designers, and business developers who want to work with startups.
- Entrepreneurs looking for their next big idea or startup to join.
- Skilled persons in the corporate world who want to build their entrepreneurial network or join a startup.
If you are either involved or looking to become involved with an early-stage startup in the tech industry, this is the event for you.

6-7 pm | Registration, Dinner + Networking
7-8 pm | Structured Introductions
7:30-9pm | Networking

Free parking is available close by as well as public transport. More details below.
You must purchase a ticket to attend. Food and drink will be available, and there is free parking close-by. Pre-purchasing a ticket saves you $10.
General Admission
General Admission – At The Door
Sponsor Table
General Admission
General Admission – At The Door
Sponsor Table
- What is a structured networking event?
At the start of every Startup Matchup, each person in the room will have 30 seconds to stand in front of the microphone and let everyone know who they are, what they do and why they’re there. If it sounds quick and efficient, that’s because it is. This format is designed to make everyone in the room aware of who else is there and, more importantly, the skills and needs of each person to ensure quality matchups.
2. What is the Startup Matchup format?
- What is the Startup Matchup format?
The Startup Matchup event starts with each attendee giving a quick 30-second introduction to the group, providing their:
– Name and title
– Company name
– What their company does
– What they are looking for or need
For example, someone might need a technical co-founder, advice on setting up a crowdfunding campaign, a referral for a reasonably priced startup lawyer or a Cassandra NoSQL database developer.
3. Why does this format work?
- Why does this format work?
Unlike some Silicon Valley networking events where it’s evident that people are only there to take whatever they can get, Startup Matchup works on the foundation of reciprocal networking. Studies have shown that this style of networking leads to both short and long term positive network building.
When you help someone, this increases your trust and credibility in their eyes, and they will be more likely to work with you, recommend you or send someone from their existing relationships your way. What happens at Startup Matchup doesn’t stay at Startup Matchup!
4. How do I get the most out of a startup networking event?
- How do I get the most out of a startup networking event?
Our CEO, Matt Day, is at every Startup Matchup, helping to facilitate conversations and connections. Over the years, he has found that the best way to make valuable connections is to do the following:
– As you listen to each attendee’s introduction, take notes and think about whether you could help. (Each chair will have a stack of blank business cards and a pen.)
– During the general networking session, seek out individuals that you could help and if appropriate, write down information on the blank business cards and exchange information. This is an excellent ice-breaker and a reason to start a conversation.
– As you seek out individuals to potentially help, you in-turn will be sought out and engaged with by others willing to help you. This is part of the GIVE and GET relationship that produces valuable connections and a quality networking event for all.
5. What kind of people generally attend?
- What kind of people generally attend?
Because the event focusses on authentic and mutually beneficial relationship building, it tends to attract quality individuals seeking new opportunities. We mostly see people who have the potential to be part of an early-stage tech startup – founders, co-founders, developers, and designers. However, there are also plenty of other skillsets in the room – sponsors looking for startups to partner with, sales and business development experts and growth marketers, for instance.
Investors know Founders Floor as a quality accelerator for deal flow and, while we can’t always guarantee that there will be lots of investors at Startup Matchup, they do make an effort to attend.
6. Is it always the same people week after week?
- Is it always the same people week after week?
We do have regular attendees looking to grow their local community in the startup world, but roughly 70% of the faces we see at each event are new ones. This makes for a nice mix of fresh faces and people who have experience building their professionals network in this particular event format. We attribute our high number of new attendees to a couple of factors:
– The event is quickly growing in popularity and reaching more high-quality individuals.
– People can make valuable connections and therefore, not need to come back for a while.
7. Will there be many people in attendance?
- Will there be many people in attendance?
Some business networking events will try to pack people in, but we purposely do the opposite, capping the event at around 100 people. We’ve tested different numbers, and people find that this is the sweet spot. Enough people with a good mix of skills but not too many that you can’t easily keep track of who you want to speak to during the evening.
Because of this, we recommend purchasing a ticket early as the event does sell out.

Street parking is available for free after 6:00 pm.
Where: Santa Clara St., North Market St., and St John St. are closest to Founders Floor.
A free parking garage is available one block away for a 2 hour period.
Where: 45 N. Market St., between W. Santa Clara St. and W. St. John St. View on Google Maps
How: Ask for the 2 hour parking voucher when you check in at Founders Floor.

VTA Light Rail is right outside our building, and runs every 20 minutes making public transportation fast and easy.
Both the Mountain View-Winchester and the Alum Rock-Santa Teresa VTA light rail stop at the Santa Clara Station(s) which is located just a block away.
Refund Policy
You may request a refund up to 48 hours before the event. Unfortunately, any refunds requested less than 48 hours before the event cannot be honored. Thank you for your understanding.
By participating in this Founders Floor Event, you agree to this liability disclaimer: